So what's this got to do with Bess Truman? Nothing, except today's her birthday. Also a wedding anniversary of someone I was way stuck on years ago, who married someone else, but I doubt they're still married anyway and thanks be to all that's holy I dodged that particular bullet. But I digress.
Elizabeth Wallace was born just a short walk from here in the winter of 1885. Grew up in the antebellum sunset world of Downton Abby. And once upon a time, when such a thing as the Great War was off in the unimaginable, unthinkable future, she went for walks around my neighborhood with her girl friends. Sorrowed over a dead father. Wondered if she should marry the earnest, cheerful farmer from down around Grandview, who kept calling on her. How could either of them ever know that he'd be the President some day?
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