Sunday, February 19, 2012

Couple o' Dames/Couple o' Thoughts

So, having rec'd a red-bound birthday book from my author friend Vicki 'Greatheart' Grove, and because I'm the sort of history buff-shut in who does this sort of thing, I've since made something of a daily ritual of looking up today's birthdays then tracking down something interesting he or she said [and write down the good ones in another little book - feel free to roll your eyes, but oh well, it gives me pleasure and that's something in this mean old world, no?] and I'm glad I do because I come across the most interesting people, such as these two dames, both of whom I want to read more of now.
And I'm scheduled/invited to drive down to Peculiar, Missouri, in the next little while for a bit of a family gathering on the occasion of one my mom's first cousins, Ms. Evelyn, who's about to celebrate her 90th birthday, tomorrow I think... which is the 50th anniversary of John Glenn's triple spin round the world, can you believe it?

"There is only one importance & it is the history of what you once believed in & the history of what you came to believe in." Kay Boyle 1902 ~ 1992

"The theme is the theme of humiliation, which is the square root of sin, as opposed to the freedom from humiliation, and love, which is the square root of wonderful."
Carson McCullers 1917 ~ 1967

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