So, I was all involved in a poem I was writing, a book I was illustrating, my car needing a new wheel put on, thanks to whoever's in charge of maintaining the streets of Kansas City and cut a large hole in one of them, neglecting to mark it, much less spike a steel plate over it. Watch where you're going & drive AROUND such manmade chasms: That's my advice.
Forgot that yesterday was Jesse James' deathday [courtesy "that dirty little coward"). Didn't occur to me that it was the anniversary of the beginning of the Pony Express. Anyway, I figure that if I hadn't made something of a morning ritual of checking to see what interesting someone had been born on this day in history, I'd never have come across THIS dame. Do, if you've happened to come across this post, peek into the life of Jane Digby, b. 3 April, 1807. Golly.
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